(845) 277-1700
(845) 277-1700

SPiTZ Rigid Products

SPiTZ Rigid Products

Veterinary endoscopy products, featuring:

  • Diagnostic Endoscopy
  • Arthroscopy
  • Laparoscopy
  • Hand Instruments
  • Shavers and Bits
  • Sterilization Trays
  • Pumps, Light Sources, Video Camera Systems


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ESS SPiTZ Arthroscopy-Laparoscopy Tower System - comes with complete compliment of Arthroscopy and Laparoscopy equipment to get you up and running. Get iCap ver. 8 and a CloudEndo subscription to share and collaborate with your team, referring Veterinarians and more! Call to build your perfect system: 1 (845) 277-1700
FREE Copy of our SPiTZ Product Catalog of what is available to order/purchase through Endoscopy Support Services, Inc.