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ALL Vet Rigid Endoscopy

ALL Vet Rigid Endoscopy

Veterinary Rigid Endoscopy

Rigid telescopes, associated accessories and endoscopy sets for veterinary applications:

  • Richard Wolf® veterinary catalogs
  • Mindray Animal Care & SPiTZ Vet Care Products
  • Rigid endoscopy sets
  • Equine/large animal
  • Otoscopy
  • Arthroscopy
  • Laparoscopy
  • Arthro Shaver Systems

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ESS Veterinary MPR Pro Rigid Set: 2.7mm HD Rigid Telescope (187.5mm w/l x 30-deg. tip), Exam/Protective Sheath w/1 stopcock, Indented Operative Sheath with dual stopcocks, 1x Long ellipsoid cup forceps, 1x Alligator jaw graspers, ESS Universal Light Guide
SurgASSIST(tm) CO2 Insufflator & Electrosurgical Generator Combo Unit
This FREE PDF catalog contains information on the products required to do Small animal arthroscopy procedures. Order one for free now and receive an instant download link.