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SPiTZ Arthroscopy


SPiTZ Arthroscopes, Sheaths, Trocars/Obturators

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SPiTZ Vet Care ArthView® Mini Arthroscope: 1.9mm O/D, at 69mm and 102mm working lengths (0 & 30-degree)
SPiTZ Vet Care ArthView® Mini Arthroscope for small joints: 2.4mm O/D, at 69mm working length (0 & 30-degree models)
SPiTZ Vet Care ArthFlow(r) Mini Arthroscope Sheath w/2 stopcocks; 2.5mm x 69mm for zero and 30-deg 225-019-000/030; 2.8mm x 102mm for 30-deg 225-019-130
SPiTZ Vet Care ArthFlow(r) Mini Arthroscope Sheath, 1 stopcock: 2.5mm O/D x 69mm W/L for 0-deg 225-019-000, 30-deg for 225-019-030; 2.8mm O/D x 102mm for 30-deg 225-019-130
SPiTZ ArthFLOW(r) Mini Arthroscope Sheath (2.3mm O/D x 36mm W/L) with single stopcock for use with ArthVIEW(r) Mini Arthroscope 1.7mm O/D, 58mm W/L (#225-017-000)
SPiTZ Vet Care ArthFlow(r) Mini Obturator / Trocar: 69mm W/L (Blunt & Sharp tips) for 2.5mm O/D sheaths, and 102mm W/L (Blunt & Sharp tips) for 2.8mm O/D sheaths
SPiTZ ArthFLOW(r) Mini Obturator/Trocar for Mini Arthro Sheath (#225-217-036); 1.7mm O/D x 63mm W/L; Available Blunt Tip (063) or Sharp Tip (065).
SPiTZ Vet Care ArthView(r) 2.4mm x 110mm small joint mini Arthroscope; available in 30-deg., zero (0)-deg., and 70-deg. view angles
SPiTZ Vet Care ArthFlow(r) Mini Arthroscope Sheath, 1 stopcock: 3.2mm O/D in 69mm (225-124), and 110mm (225-224) Arthroscopes and Obturators/Trocars
SPiTZ Vet Care ArthFLOW(r) Arthroscopy Sheath, 2 stopcocks, 3.2mm O/D, 110mm W/L for 225-224-000/030/070 Arthroscopes and 225-510-532/632 Obturator/Trocars.
SPiTZ Vet Care ArthFLOW(r) Obturator/Trocars for 3.2mm O/D Sheaths, at 69mm and 110mm lengths, 2.4mm O/D, blunt and sharp tips.