(845) 277-1700
(845) 277-1700

Pure Processing, LLC

Pure Processing, LLC

Pure Processing, LLC

Makers of the Pure Station mobile sink insert flushing system that fits snugly inside an existing deep utility sink. The Pure Station pre-cleaning system helps shorten cleaning time by streamlining repetitive movements and minimizing water and chemical consumption.


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PUREChannel Flush enzymatic cleaning solution, 32oz bottle (Veterinary Only)
Pure Processing(tm) Pre-cleaning automatic fluid flushing system for flexible and rigid endoscopy. 16x16in tub. Can be used as stand-alone unit or insert for medical sink.
Pure Processing(tm) Pre-cleaning automatic fluid flushing system for flexible and rigid endoscopy. 16x26in large tub. Can be used as stand-alone unit or insert for medical sink.
FlexiPump automatic fluid flushing pump system for the Pure Station (priced for each)
Adapter to attach the Pure FlexiPump(tm)to the side of standard, stainless-steel washing sinks (to use without the Pure Station(tm) pre-cleaning sink insert)