(845) 277-1700
(845) 277-1700

MetriCide(tm) High-Level Disinfectant

MetriCide(tm) High-Level Disinfectant

MetriCide OPA Plus is a high level disinfectant for reprocessing heat sensitive semi-critical medical devices for which sterilization is not suitable, and when used according to the Directions for Use. It is glutaraldehyde-free (the active ingredient is ortho-Phthalaldehyde) and can be used manually or in an automated endoscope reprocessor (AER).

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MetriCide(tm) OPA Plus Disinfectant 100 Test Strips. Case contains two (2) bottles of 100 test strips.
MetriCide(tm) OPA Plus glutaraldehyde-free High-Level Disinfectant (HLD). One (1) gallon container.