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Endoscopy Support Svcs (ESS)

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DTP-02 1PC
Custom shaped sponge designed to easily clean the insertion tube during cleaning procedures. Can also be used and an endoscope distal-tip protection foam - VETERINARY USE ONLY *Purchase a quantity (case) of 50pcs, half-price each!*
ESS Veterinary Mini Catalog 5-panel brochure - FREE downloadable Adobe Acrobat PDF
FREE Measurement Conversion Chart for Endoscopy
Download a copy of the ESS PLS Portable Light Source manual (covers LE1R and LE1F models)
Download a copy of the MLS1F operations manual that was included with your MLS1F purchase
Customized polyethylene cases with wheels, removable panels and retractable handle to make your endoscopy equipment portable for trackside/stable or mobile vet use.
Adobe® Acrobat® PDF black-&-white/grayscale document of the ESS rigid endoscope manual with user information, care & maintenance, cautions and warning, service and warranty information.
ESS ENT-P4 Nasopharyngoscope. Download this information sheet on pricing, models and options available - including paying with ESS-PAY(TM)
Information sheet of the new ESS Disposable Biopsy Forceps for veterinary use.
Download a FREE Acrobat PDF of our veterinary golf ball removal poster - procedure made by Amy Allen, DVM.
Sure-Flex Esophageal Dilation Catheter - 10mm diameter x 8cm length, 200cm catheter length, 2.3mm catheter diameter
Sure-Flex Esophageal Dilation Catheter - 14mm diameter x 8cm length, 200cm catheter length, 2.3mm catheter diameter
Sure-Flex Esophageal Dilation Catheter - 16mm diameter x 4cm length, 200cm catheter length, 2.3mm catheter diameter
Disposable sclerotherapy needle for veterinary use: 23GA x 5mm x 2.4mm x 240cm
CloudEndo(tm) - www.cloudendo.com - Cloud-based Vendor-Neutral Archive PACS service. Save, review and organize DICOM images and video, create reports. Telemedicine capabilities with unlimited case sharing over an Internet connection - all in the cloud.
Service contract for your flexible endoscopes to keep them at peak performance. Save up to 50% on the cost of a major repair. Common repairs covered. Minimum one (1) year contract. Call ESS for details and pricing.
ESS 11"x17" Flexible Fiberscope Cleaning Poster - covering basic care, cleaning and disinfecting procedures.
ESS 11"x17" Flexible Videoscope Cleaning Poster - covering basic care, cleaning and disinfecting procedures.
Veterinary USB Videoscope and iCap(r) System - Your choice of USB Videoscope, an iCap PC & Software System, ESS-L35A/O LED light source w/air and misc. accessories & services. Call ESS for more info or to order: 1-845-277-1700
Download a FREE Acrobat PDF copy of our Veterinary Rigid Endoscopy Catalog of products we currently offer from makers: Mindray, Spitz and emd/Endoline.
FREE downloadable poster (.pdf) on how to self-clean a clogged flexible endoscope nozzle. Formatted portrait orientation, on 11" x 17" Tabloid (Ledger) sized paper. *Printed Version available for sale (printing/lamination +delivery cost)
VHP HD Arthroscopy System: base system includes VHP-1315, CM-U12 USB HD Camera Head & Zoom Endocoupler, STUNNER S1 Vet. Shaver System, ARTHRO Pump P1 Vet. Arthroscopy Pump, Choice of telescopes and instruments
USB Endoscopy - VHP HD Laparoscopy System: base system includes VHP-1315, CM-U12 USB HD Camera Head & Zoom Endocoupler, SurgASSIST(tm) combination CO2 Insufflator and Electrocautery unit, Choice of telescopes and instruments.
ESS Equine Mobile Veterinary Product Brochure/Catalog. Eight (8) pages of popular products for quick reference
ESS USB Endoscopy Product Brochure/Catalog. Eight (8) pages of our USB Endoscopy product line
*FREE* TK-VETKIT VTC-13 Mobile Trolley Installation Guide - downloadable PDF
USB Endoscopy: Disposable HD Video Bronchoscope - 2.8mm insertion tube diameter, 60cm (600mm) working length, 1.2mm biopsy channel (NOTE: Requires 1.0mm micro-instruments to pass down channel); uses USB connection technology, built-in LED lighting, 2-way deflection (230-deg Up, 180-deg. down), 120-deg left-right rotating insertion tube; suction button. Comes as two (2) sealed scopes with USB adapter.
ESS General Practice Product Brochure/Catalog. Eight (8) pages of popular products for quick reference
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