(845) 277-1700
(845) 277-1700

CoolJect Veterinary Topical Anesthetic Set (U.S.)

SKU: CoolJect1
CoolJect Veterinary Topical Anesthetic - misting fast-acting, one-handed topical anesthetic application, ergonomically paired with syringe injections. Numbs injection area for less discomfort. Requires you select 1) Type of nozzle and 2) choice of canister pack (will total in checkout) *U.S. SALES ONLY - Requires Rx License to purchase*
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CoolJect Veterinary Topical Anesthetic Set (U.S.)
CoolJect Veterinary Topical Anesthetic Set (U.S.)
CoolJect Veterinary Topical Anesthetic Set (U.S.)
CoolJect Veterinary Topical Anesthetic Set (U.S.)
CoolJect Veterinary Topical Anesthetic Set (U.S.)
CoolJect Veterinary Topical Anesthetic Set (U.S.)
CoolJect Veterinary Topical Anesthetic Set (U.S.)
CoolJect Veterinary Topical Anesthetic Set (U.S.)
CoolJect Veterinary Topical Anesthetic Set (U.S.)
CoolJect Veterinary Topical Anesthetic Set (U.S.)
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Product Details

CoolJect Veterinary Topical Anesthetic

Download CoolJect PDF Brochure

Demo Video of CoolJect in action (.mp4 in new window)

List of PubMed Articles
Supporting the Use of CoolJect

The CoolJect mist is an FDA-cleared device that offers a cost-efficient, fast-acting, one-handed topical anesthetic application, ergonomically paired with syringe injections.

NOTE: for United States Domestic Sales Only - We cannot sell to International (Rx Product)

To Start using CoolJect:

(CoolJect Cannister)

2oz CoolJect Topical Anesthetic Canister

(Requires CoolJect Nozzle)

(Syringe Holder Nozzle)

CoolJect Syringe Holder 1-3cc High-Efficiency Nozzle


CoolJect High-Efficiency Nozzle Accessory

*One-time, one per customer purchase only. Call: 1-845-277-1700

Elevated Compfort (smiley face)

Elevated Comfort

Providing the best experience for patients by reducing injection pain.

One-Handed Use (thumbs up)

One-Handed Use

The only device to offer single-handed ability to numb and inject quickly.



CoolJect mist has the quickest numbing onset and time to injection only takes 4-10 seconds.

Targeted Application

Targeted Application

Targeted blanched area for immediate, accurate needle penetration.



CoolJect provides over twice the amount of uses per ounce than the competition (at around two (2) seconds per mist, approximately 30-35 applications per 2oz canister.)



A safer alternative to ethyl chloride, is hazardous-material free, and non-flammable.

Here are a list of PubMed Articles that support the use of CoolJect and resulting patient comfort

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